are our great passion


Administrator Fashion Consultant Buyer

Gabi has been married to Martin for 25 years. The two had always wanted to run a business together. Instead of a hotel or a chocolate factory, it became a wedding shop and Thomi Bridal Fashions became Tessa & Thomi 10 years ago. By the way, “Tessa” comes from “Principessa”. Gabi’s biggest challenge is to bring the many roles as a mother, manager, and wife under one “protected” roof every day. Her favourite gadget is therefore not hats, but handbags.

Motto: Give every day the chance to be the best day of your life, even if the wedding day is still my best day.


Fashion Consultant Buyer Craftsman

Martin loves variety and short decision-making processes. Just not with Gabi. It took Gabi a long time to convince him to marry. But even after more than 30 years, she is still his dream woman – although Gabi is still waiting for the “romantic” marriage proposal. His great passion is to offer every groom a top shopping experience, for which he has also developed an extraordinary concept that combines the advantages of a “normal” purchase of a suit with that of a tailor-made suit.

Motto: KISS the bride – Keep It Simple but Sensational with your bride / wife!



Fashion Consultant

Rosmarie has been working in this building since her apprenticeship. First it was the Fashion House Thomi, now it’s Tessa & Thomi. If you added up the working time, it would be half an eternity. Today, Rosmarie is still fascinated by the unique world of bridal fashion and loves to professionally advise and dress bridal couples or assist them in choosing beautiful rings.

Motto: Life is too short for “someday”!




Fashion Consultant/Dressmaker

Annemarie outdoes us all when it comes to children. She and Markus, her husband, have raised six children together and are already grandparents several times over. She is our calming influence and provides balance in our team. None of us has ever experienced her upset. This is also how she treats our customers. Her empathetic manner gives our customers an unforgettable shopping experience, including a knack when it comes to finding the “right” wedding dress.

Motto: Love always finds a way!



Fashion Consultant/Dressmaker

Dorothée is the unsurpassed assistant to our Martin in his role as craftsman. Her stage name for all activities outside sewing and consulting is therefore “Jet”. She darts through our premises with energy, joy and commitment and is ready to tackle any problem and look for constructive solutions. Dorothée, our all-rounder.

Motto: Gratitude costs nothing, but changes everything!



Fashion Consultant/Dressmaker

Sarah is our sunshine. Her trademark is her hearty and infectious laugh that she loves to share with everyone. She doesn’t know what it’s like to have a bad day. “Jet” and Sarah are peas in a pod. Employed as a dressmaker many years ago, she has since developed a keen flair for advising our brides

Motto: Here, people live, dance and laugh, no matter whether it is snowing, or the sun is bursting out of the sky.




Fashion Consultant

Rosmarie has been working in this building since her apprenticeship. First it was the Fashion House Thomi, now it’s Tessa & Thomi. If you added up the working time, it would be half an eternity. Today, Rosmarie is still fascinated by the unique world of bridal fashion and loves to professionally advise and dress bridal couples or assist them in choosing beautiful rings.

Motto: Life is too short for “someday”!




Fashion Consultant/Dressmaker

Sarah is our sunshine. Her trademark is her hearty and infectious laugh that she loves to share with everyone. She doesn’t know what it’s like to have a bad day. “Jet” and Sarah are peas in a pod. Employed as a dressmaker many years ago, she has since developed a keen flair for advising our brides

Motto: Here, people live, dance and laugh, no matter whether it is snowing, or the sun is bursting out of the sky.




Fashion Consultant

Melina originally comes from the catering industry. She loves hospitality and is already used to keeping calm even in hectic situations. On her second educational pathway, she is training to become a bridal fashion consultant. She has a passion for all things wedding and shares it with our other team members.

Motto: You can only see well with your heart. The important stuff is hidden from view!



Fashion Consultant / Dressmaker

Moved to Bern for love, that suits us romantics in the wedding industry. Samira spoils us with her baking skills, we all can’t say no. She already brings a lot of experience and also new ideas from her last job in a bridal store. It feels like she has been with us for a long time.

Motto: Always be yourself… unless you can be a unicorn, then always be a unicorn!




Our newest team member finished her dressmaking apprenticeship this summer and is now working in our studio. She caught wedding fever during her internship and applied straight away. Now we are happy to see how she cheers up our team with her cheerful nature.

Life motto: If there’s a cloud, create your own sunshine.



Fashion Consultant / Administration

Mia is the switchboard in the office. She answers our mails, orders all the articles and always knows about the small and big problems of our customers. She also likes to advise brides, but her big passion is wedding ring consulting. Unfortunately she is only with us until September, because she will start her studies then.

Motto: Add a little glitter to each day!





Bruno is our master tailor. So, he belongs to a rare “species”, because there are only very few master tailors left in Switzerland. There really is not a single lady in this exclusive club. Bruno can therefore also make a suit from scratch and solves even the trickiest challenges for our customers. He really blossoms in this field, and we are proud that he has been part of our team for many years.

Motto: Don’t think about what you lack but enjoy what you have!




Tanja is one of our most accomplished wedding dress makers. The “limelight” in our beautiful shop is less her thing. She prefers working at the sewing machine, but at a top level. Countless wedding dresses have passed through her hands and put a joyful smile on the beaming faces of our brides.

Motto: A person’s exterior is not even half of the reality!




Chiara is our green and sustainable conscience. Besides our many bills in Euros and Swiss francs – and rarely reminders – she is studying environmental sciences in Zurich. Our customers never see her, we rarely do, because she prefers to work quietly on Sundays. She prefers to spend her free time with Niculin, who – get this – wants to become a pilot. Goes really well with our green Chiara!

Motto: It is not because it is hard that we do not dare to do it, but because we do not dare to do it, it is hard!





The girl for everything



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